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With the birth of the Indonesian Golden Visa, it is hoped that it will truly become a new attraction for investors.


Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was a resource person in the Strengthening of National Values ​​activity at the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) Building, Jakarta, Thursday (25/07/2024).

On this occasion, he said that Indonesia Emas 2045 can be realized by uniting natural resources and human resources.

“Transformational leadership, leadership that can unite all elements of the nation, has a vision far into the future.

Can multiply and at the same time orchestrate the nation’s resources.

With this, hopefully we can all be part of the progress, including the Ministry of ATR/BPN,” said Minister AHY.

In front of hundreds of participants consisting of the Smandel Business Network (SBN), the Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Association (IA-ITB).

Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Minister AHY explained that the Ministry of ATR/BPN deals with agrarian, spatial planning, and land which are very important in the life of the nation.

Where land will be increasingly valuable along with the increasing population, so spatial planning must be right on target and productive in order to generate economic growth.

“Investment will come if there is legal certainty over the land. This is what we are working on. Hopefully we can continue to work as well as possible.

Justice and prosperity belong to all Indonesian people, let us continue to strengthen synergy and collaboration in the vision and mission, and of course the same energy.

One energy, for Golden Indonesia in 2045,” explained Minister AHY.

Regarding investment, Minister AHY said that this morning, he attended the launch of the Indonesian Golden Visa by President Joko Widodo at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta.

The Golden Visa can provide convenience for foreign citizens (WNA) in investing and working in Indonesia.

“With the birth of the Indonesian Golden Visa, it is hoped that it will truly become a new attraction for investors.

We must provide investment comfort, a climate that is also promising. Therefore.

Building a good and competitive investment climate is with clarity, certainty, including all administrative processes for foreign nationals. We also want to continue to synergize and collaborate with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in this regard,” explained Minister AHY.

Acting Governor of Lemhannas, Eko Margiyono, in that moment explained that this activity aims to provide an understanding of the nation and state.

A total of 101 participants in the activity are expected to be able to maintain the existence of the nation and state, as well as prepare the future generation.

“The point is that we want all citizens to really understand their nationality.

One of the things we need to build in the nation and state is the character of the nation.

This is the best opportunity for us to provide an understanding of this,” explained Eko Margiyono.

Present to accompany Minister AHY in this activity, Special Staff for Internal Management, Agust Jovan Latuconsina.

Expert Staff for Institutional Cooperation, Widanardi Satryatomo; and Head of Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Harison Mocodompis. Also present were the Central Management of the Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Association.


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