Tangerang, postsurabaya.com
One of the editor-in-chief’s friends at www.jakartakoma.id Cokhy Enim said he hopes that we are all brothers.
We also don’t know the journey of this life, that we will all die, but the path of life is different.
We don’t have to deal with businesses that have died, there are already people who control the human journey.
“Rest in peace in Heavenly Father’s house and we will not forget all the sweet memories of our togetherness,” said Cokhy Enim.
According to him, between me and you and time is too fast to accommodate the story of our life on earth.
This is, but you are the bravest hero to cover in the Battlefield. “Still fresh in my memory! I always love you,” said Jakartakoma.id’s pimpimpred comrade.
According to Feri (45), a journalist, everything has its time, all living creatures on earth must experience death.
And the way to die is also different.
“However, we believe that all living creatures will experience death, and life in this world is just a reflection of life in that world,” said Feri, a journalist.
(Henny/ dono)
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