In supporting the implementation of equitable development, it must also be ensured that no land is abandoned, Tuesday (27/08).
Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) continues to register all land plots in Indonesia.
Thus, it is hoped that the use of land by the community will be more optimal
“Our land as an asset must also work, meaning it must function properly,” said the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) after conducting the Eligibility Test for the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Development, which took place at Airlangga University, Surabaya, Thursday (22/08/2024).
By registering the community’s land plots, not only will the land be utilized optimally, but it can also provide legal certainty of land rights.
This can also anticipate the community from land conflicts, one of which can be caused by land mafia.
“No community should be treated unfairly.
For example, there are lands that have been seized by land mafia. We must put all of this in order and we must act firmly,” added Minister AHY.
With the legal certainty of land rights, it is hoped that it can bring investment to Indonesia. “Investment will come if there is legal certainty of land rights.
So of course, this element of spatial planning and land also contributes directly to economic growth and economic transformation,” concluded Minister AHY.
To note, the target for land areas in Indonesia that will be registered by the Ministry of ATR/BPN in 2024 is 120 million land areas.
As of August 20, 2024, the achievement of registered land areas has reached around 116.6 million land areas.
It is hoped that by the end of the year the targeted figure can be achieved, so that the ideal of registering 126 million land areas by the end of 2025 can be achieved.
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