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PT SSS, through its attorney, Usman Muhamad, is questioning the validity of the 3,029 square meter land certificate.


The polemic regarding ownership and issuance of land certificates emerged again in Tangerang City, Saturday (10/08).

PT SSS, through its attorney, Usman Muhamad, is questioning the validity of the 3,029 square meter land certificate which is suspected to be legally flawed and issued by the Tangerang City National Land Agency (BPN) in the name of PT Bina Sarana Mekar (BSM).

In a letter sent on July 17 2024, PT SSS asked nine questions regarding the validity of the certificate.

These include the exact location of the land, GPS coordinates, origins of ownership, and procedures for issuing certificates.

The company also questioned the authority of the Tangerang City BPN in issuing certificates for land allegedly located in the Tangerang Regency area.

“We have asked very specific questions and asked for clarification from BPN,” said Usman, after meeting with BPN Tangerang City, Friday, August 9 2024.

“However, to date, the answers we have received are still general and unsatisfactory.” Said.

PT SSS’s disappointment grew when BPN asked for time until August 15 2024 to provide a comprehensive answer.

According to Usman, this long waiting time cannot be justified, considering the importance of this problem and the potential losses that can be caused.

“We hope that BPN can immediately resolve this problem in a transparent and accountable manner,” emphasized Usman.

“We are ready to provide the evidence we have to support our claims.”

Meanwhile, the Tangerang City BPN admitted that they had received a letter from PT SSS and were currently verifying the information contained in it.

Selly, one of the BPN staff, explained that his party needed to coordinate with the measurement sector to ensure the correctness of the data and location of the land in question.

“We will carry out in-depth checks of all documents related to this case,” said Selly.

“We hope to provide a clear and satisfactory answer to the complainant within the specified time.” This land certificate dispute is in the public spotlight because it concerns the issue of legal certainty in the property sector.

It is hoped that BPN can immediately resolve this problem in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, so that it does not cause harm to any party.

( Red/ASp J ).

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