Tangerang – postsurabaya.com
Firstly The name was Kantor BPSDA ( Balai pengelolahan sumber daya air ) provinsi Banten in Tangerang on jl. Ks. Tubun -koang Jaya Tangerang Kota – Banten and it has already changed it’s name becoming the office of UPTD pengelolahan DAS cidurian cisadane .
Then Years ago the office building was old fashioned but it was actually a nice place for journalists to take a rest after hunting the news that ‘s why those journalists still remember whole things about it’s building history.
When it is under construction now then appearing a question, why is that office building constructed by the local government’s budget of Kota Tangerang.
Otherwise the ownership of the whole assets belongs to the provincial government of Banten ?.
While it is transparant on the information board of the project which is trully upstaking on the wall that the logo of local.
Government and all statements of the projectual activity Which are attached on that is more or less than 300 million rupiahs for the cost budget to construct.
And one day the journalist of the international post asked mister komeng as the survevisor of that building project and he said.
it will be 2 levels of the floors and this all is for the warehouse , the workshop and the logistics ” he talked persuasively then this journalist asked again .
“why is the land in the corner of the building project not used by and let it to be empty and in fact, that land belongs also to the provincial government’s asset !?.
And of course, some journalists really know much whole things about it historically and yet, they are ready to be as the witness naturally.
( by cokih )
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