Tangerang, postsurabaya.com
It is thought that the warehouse was originally just an empty storage room, but it turns out that every day cars pass by the tanker.
Cipondok police officers pretended not to know, it was suspected that they were adulterating subsidized diesel oil.
It was suspected that an illegal diesel fuel warehouse was found on JL. Rasuna said, Pekojan Cipete, RT 002 RW 002 Pinang, Tangerang city.
This information has become the talk of the town, because there is a place for storing diesel fuel in the Pinang area, Thursday 7/25/2024.
The media crew immediately tried to confirm this clarity with the warehouse guard.
“Later, bro, the management will leave,” he said The guard said, Just wait, MN (manager) will condition you, warehouse guard.
The media crew interviewed local residents. “As for the warehouse, I don’t know.
Because it’s still confusing, a month ago I saw 2 patrol cars from the local police entering there.
For activities at night, around 12 o’clock at night. cars go in and out of the warehouse,” he said.
It is suspected that the Pinang Police are aware of the existence of this business.
Allegations of the rampant illegal diesel mafia carrying out hoarding are untouchable by law.
This concerns the hoarding of subsidized fuel which is charged under Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning oil and natural gas.
The perpetrator faces a maximum prison sentence of six years and a maximum fine of IDR 60 billion.
The media crew tried to confirm the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pinang Police, but it was difficult for the Criminal Investigation Unit.
To be found, even media crew sent messages via WhatsApp, but unfortunately they didn’t respond.
(Seapul Saepul)
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