Tangerang, postsurabaya.com
It is suspected that the police have not yet solved the case of the murder of Evi, who worked in the Teluk Naga area, Kab. Tangerang has not yet caught the perpetrator.
Evi worked at Alfamar in 2016, where they have been looking, and even reported it to the police.
Even his family has complained everywhere, but the perpetrator has not yet been identified Even through smart people, the culprit could not be found.
However, Evi has been buried but the perpetrator has not been found, it has been around 8 years since he died.
“Evi has been accused for 8 years and has not been caught, in fact it is similar to the Vina case in Cerebon,” said the account @Putra aji sujati.
According to the @Putra Aji Sujati account, the Tangerang City Metro Police have not yet shown professionalism in uncovering Evi’s death. Evi died tragically, so the perpetrator has not been caught.
Putra Aji Sujadi said on TikTok that investigators were weak, so Evi died and was trapped.
According to Fandil (45), a resident, because residents confirmed that Evi was currently hot.
“He hopes that this case will be held again, and we ask that the perpetrator be arrested,” he said.
(Doni / ferry)
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